Arrays 5/7

Access by Offset with { }
PHP is a very flexible language. When accessing arrays by offset, you can actually use two different types of syntax: the []syntax we've covered, or you can use curly braces ({}). You use the curly braces just like you use the square brackets:
 $myArray = array("do", "re", "mi");
 print $myArray{2};
 // prints "mi";
Both forms are equivalent, and using one or the other is totally up to you!
Go ahead and update your previous code to use the {} syntax instead of [].
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All you need to do is replace [ with { and] with }.
Arrays 5/7
    <title>Accessing Elements</title>
        $tens = array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);
        echo $tens{2};


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